Safety management

Date:2019-07-18 Views:2966

  Jinhe Industrial Co., Ltd. always adheres to the concept of “environmental protection first, safety first, prevention first, comprehensive treatment” and pursues the goal of “zero injury, zero pollution and zero accident”. The company will implement safety production, green production and economical production continuously, promote the ecological civilization construction vigorously, and build a resource-saving and environment-friendly enterprise.


  In terms of strengthening safety and environmental protection management, the company actively promotes and perfects the construction of environment, health & safety (“EHS” for short) management system. By improving EHS system standards, creating an EHS cultural atmosphere, strengthening process risk control, improving emergency management capability and other measures, it will promote the improvement and standardized operation of the system, make the basic safety and environmental protection management more standardized and the assessment requirements more stringent, and comprehensively improve the EHS management level.


  Implement the safety production responsibility system. The general manager of the joint stock Company and main responsible persons of each branch company shall sign the Letter of Responsibility for Safety and Environmental Protection Management Objectives to assign the responsibility for safety and environmental protection objectives level by level to the employees at the grass-roots posts.


  Implement the construction of six mechanisms, strengthen the risk graded control, thoroughly implement the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Building “Six Mechanisms” to Strengthen Safety Production Risk Control, establish six mechanisms of risk search, judgment, early warning, prevention, disposal and responsibility for safety production, formulate a safety risk point search guidebook, implement level-to-level management of risk points, and add an independent safety instrument system (SIS) to the devices with high risk level except for realizing automation control (DCS).


  Continue to promote the construction of safety standardization, and start with the essential safety of people, management and facilities in accordance with the national safety standardization requirements and in combination with the company’s characteristics to carry out safety standardization work according to PDCA cycle management mode.


  The company has established emergency rescue plan systems and emergency command systems for production safety accidents, implemented plant-level and workshop-level hierarchical management and set up emergency rescue teams; defined the responsibilities of emergency command systems and rescue teams at all levels; formulated comprehensive emergency plans, special emergency plans, on-site disposal schemes and on-site disposal cards according to relevant national requirements, and organized the personnel to carry out drills regularly. In addition, it has purchased foam fire truck and air defense vehicle and set up a full-time fire brigade to improve the emergency rescue level of the company.